Thursday, June 15, 2006

gotta rid me of, get rid of me....

I just grabbed Ann Coulter's appearance on Jay Leno and it was surprisingly blase.
Not really any flareups. George Carlin, another guest, is apparently a liberal, but he stayed pretty quiet throughout the whole segment. I'd never really watched Leno before, so I wasn't sure what to expect, but I thought he was pretty civil. His arguments were very liberal-like in nature, the whole "But wasn't this passage too nasty", or "I'm a little confused about this part", basically the whole I'm-usually-very-openminded-but-you're-an-extremist-you-freak, but Ann didn't give an inch throughout. He'd set up his arguments pretty easily, such as "Politics used to be civil. Now they're not. Your book is one of the reasons why they're not." But Ann didn't even get caught up believing his establishing-the-pillar-of-the-argument assertion and try and defend it, and say her book was civil, but immediately targeted the beginning assertion required for the whole argument and deconstructed it, thereby negating his whole statement. She just said politics were civil in the Soviet Union too, when there was only one opinion, and credited the lack of civility today to there being TWO perspectives as opposed to the previous ONE perspective dominating the media.

So, overall, very good. It's good to see conservatives appearing on more-and-more mainstream media shows, it means they're breaking the glass ceiling. Ann made some excellent conservative points, talked about liberal tactics, and perhaps most surprisingly of all, received quite loud applause from the audience. I'm not sure if Leno's audience is partially conservative, or if conservatives bought tickets specially because of Coulter's appearance, but that was the most surprising and gratifying aspect of it all.


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