Thursday, October 19, 2006

Absolute Garbage Going on...

Every FREAKING year, the media goes hogwild during election month, predicting a HUGE win for Democrats and a MONUMENTAL loss for Republicans.

And every year, the Republicans retain control and the Democrats lose. And you wonder why the Democrat base is feeling demoralized?

The weird thing is how even Republican pundits are deceived by this phenomenon. They start to believe the media, EVEN THOUGH THEY KNOW THE MEDIA IS LIBERAL.

I don't even have to say it anymore - the Republicans will retain control of Both houses. It's not even a question. The Dems will lose - their base will feel like sh%t. Everyone will scratch their heads and wonder why. And I'll still be here, screaming at my TV set, "You stupid fu**ers!!!"

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Crest of the Wave

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

Computer hackers based in China have launched sustained attacks on the computers of a US Commerce Department technology export office, a department official said.

Chinese-based hackers, especially in the Chinese province of Guangdong, have mounted systematic efforts to penetrate US government and industry computer networks in order to access secret information, according to computer security experts.

The experts and some US lawmakers believe the attacks are sanctioned by Chinese government agencies.

No kidding.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Christmas comes early for the AP

It appears Mark Foley was gay, and liked younger men.

It does not appear, however, that he broke any laws.

Nothing he did was illegal. Now Bush is calling for an investigation.

The identity of the mysterious "page" has not yet been released, although word is it will be revealed tomorrow.

When that happens, we can finally close the book on this whole sorry chapter.

I'll leave you with some typical dishonesty from the AP:

The president spoke after Hastert brushed aside any suggestion of resignation Tuesday as House Republican leaders struggled to contain the fallout from an election-year scandal involving sexually explicit messages from the disgraced former Florida Republican lawmaker to underage male pages
