Saturday, February 10, 2007

Welfare Bums

I wasn't going to post for a while, but I just couldn't pass this up.

So the Palestinians have essentially been going crazy since the US and Europe stopped giving them welfare money. They don't have an economy, aren't very innovative, and there's not much money to be made in the carbomb-making business, unless it's Iran footing the bill.

So they've really had nothing to do but shoot and kill each other - constantly. And finally, they decided they've had enough and they'd really like that free money they used to get. And the result of this is probably one of the most pathetic ploys I've ever seen.

The PA leadership is hoping that the very fact of the Fatah-Hamas national unity agreement reached in Mecca will end a Western embargo against the Hamas-led PA. The Western nations ended aid to the PA after the Islamist Hamas terror organization swept into power in Authority-wide elections in January 2006.

Speaking to Reuters, Hamas spokesman Ghazi Hamad said, "They (the West) cannot ignore this agreement and impose their own conditions."

I know, I know. Stop laughing for a minute and actually consider their retarded logic. The Western nations stopped giving aid because a terrorist organization(Hamas) was in a disunified government.

Now a terrorist organization(Hamas) is in a - are you ready for this? - a unified government.

I know, don't fall off your seat. All that has changed in the space of, oh, I don't know, a YEAR, is that they've finally formed a unity government.

And the retarded part is that wasn't even what the West objected to. They wanted Hamas to either leave the government or renounce their terrorist principles. (I know, "terrorist" and "principles" in the same sentence is funny, right?)

Hamas did neither. They still hate Israel with the fury of a thousand suns, they're still packin' AK's, and still send mothers and children to Israel with bombs strapped to their bodies.

But it gets better:

Ahmed Yousef, an advisor to the PA's Hamas prime minister, warned the European Union, "I count on the Europeans to change their policies, and to say that what happened in Mecca shows ideological flexibility. The Europeans have their own interest, and they should care about the image and perception. They don't want their image in the region to be like the US."

Translation below:

Arab Terrorist : Give us welfare.

Europe and US : No. You're terrorists.

Arab Terrorist : But we're unified.

Europe and US : No. You're still terrorists.

Arab Terrorist : Europe, you better give us welfare money or we'll call you names in our country.

Note : This is so retarded and the Europeans so feckless it might actually work. But consider the logic of it; a Muslim government is threatening Western governments with giving it money, or else facing the consequences of demonization and hate-speech against it. WHICH ALREADY HAPPENS. These guys truly are nuts.


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