Friday, January 26, 2007


It's been a while since I've last blogged. Much has happened, much has been happening on this globe we call our world. Iran is heating up, confrontation is nearing, and sightings are on the rise. And I'm talking MAINSTREAM sightings, not fringe. Especially important distinction.

Another thing that has been increasing, for me personally, has been 11:11 sightings. A while ago, they would be a nuisance, nothing more, nothing less, but lately it's changed. I have been seeing 11:11 with greater frequency, to the point where it's almost every day. I believe it has to do with our inter-dimensional visitors, and the increasing frequency with which world affairs are escalating.

Israel is secretly drawing up plans to give up the West Bank to the other side. This only moves the peace process forward, and only brings the peace plan closer. First the West Bank, which interestingly enough comes first under "European" control, then a peace treaty. And we all know where that leads.

Not much news out of the Vatican, however. The enemy groups are on the rise, however. Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, are all ramping up. Considering this is their permanent mode, it would be foolish to read too much into it. But every provocation is a testing of the waters. Every move is a shift of power. Every nuanced attack brings their nemesis closer to crossing the line, to full-scale confrontation and conflict. Of course, for them, it matters not which way it goes. Long-term, absolute power is the goal. Incremental stages are completely fine with them. Distraction, corruption, division, and infighting only further that goal. Our enemy is determined, and most importantly single-minded.

While we are at war with ourselves, bickering over minor conflicts, the real enemies gleefully burn down our undefended walls. And so it continues, until we are left standing amidst the ruins of what was once our castles, slaves to our ignorance and pettiness. Only the wise survive beyond this stage we call life. Many are called, but few are chosen. State of mind is key. It is crucial. We must always be prepared, always be looking down the road, always looking forward with the correct vision of the future.

We must not get caught up in petty squables, or allow our mindset to fall into that of confusion or depression over petty beefs. Keep the bigger picture in mind. Redemption is near. True justice will be done. First comes the trials and tribulations, then come the cleansing. If not this year, next year. If not next year, five, ten years from now. The when is not important. How we will be ready, how our state of mind is, when that final day comes, and whether we are able to accept the true light with open arms is the key question. Never give up.