Thursday, March 15, 2007

Police State

This is unbelievable.

A teenager taken from her home and parents by German police officers and institionalized in a psychiatric ward for homeschooling is pleading with the international community for help so she can return home.

In Germany, it is illegal to homeschool your children. They FORCE your children to attend public school. They brought FIFTEEN police officers to this girl's house to take her.

The authorities in Germany have set up a Ministry of Education reminiscent of Hitler, abusing the laws in order to punish homeschooling parents. In Germany, they will indoctrinate - by any means necessary.

This is the girl's letter:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I was taken away from my family on the first February 2007 and brought with more than 15 police men to the psychiatry in Nuremberg. There I was 2 weeks. I was brought there, because I was homeschooled 2 1/2 years. Now I am in a foster family and I am allowed to see my family only once a week. I want to ask you for help, to get my right to go back to my family, as I wish. I am not sick as the doctor said and my family is the best place for me to live.

Yours sincerely,

Melissa Falona Busekros

This is an outrage, and a perversion of the legal justice system. The German authorities are conducting Hitler-like purges of homeschooling families, tearing their children away from them and placing them in foster care. These despicable acts must be stopped. Let them know how you think: