Thursday, March 15, 2007

Police State

This is unbelievable.

A teenager taken from her home and parents by German police officers and institionalized in a psychiatric ward for homeschooling is pleading with the international community for help so she can return home.

In Germany, it is illegal to homeschool your children. They FORCE your children to attend public school. They brought FIFTEEN police officers to this girl's house to take her.

The authorities in Germany have set up a Ministry of Education reminiscent of Hitler, abusing the laws in order to punish homeschooling parents. In Germany, they will indoctrinate - by any means necessary.

This is the girl's letter:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I was taken away from my family on the first February 2007 and brought with more than 15 police men to the psychiatry in Nuremberg. There I was 2 weeks. I was brought there, because I was homeschooled 2 1/2 years. Now I am in a foster family and I am allowed to see my family only once a week. I want to ask you for help, to get my right to go back to my family, as I wish. I am not sick as the doctor said and my family is the best place for me to live.

Yours sincerely,

Melissa Falona Busekros

This is an outrage, and a perversion of the legal justice system. The German authorities are conducting Hitler-like purges of homeschooling families, tearing their children away from them and placing them in foster care. These despicable acts must be stopped. Let them know how you think:


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Valiance rises up again...

Bravery and stoicism are not dead. In the Russians crude quest to halt the missile defense operation, the Czechs have proved to be quite the obstacle. Read below:

Czech Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg said threats by Russian officials over the plans, which would involve placing a radar system on Czech land and a missile battery in Poland, would only make Czechs more determined to defend themselves.

"The Czechs will now think the shield is even more necessary," Schwarzenberg told Reuters on the sidelines of a business conference in Warsaw.

"We have quite an experience with Russians. You have to make clear to them you won't succumb to blackmail. Once you give in to blackmail, there's no going back. We have to be strong."

These are rather strong statements by the Czech official. Clearly, there's no love lost between the two countries. And finally, when hope had been fading in my mind, the Czechs rise up to prove a thorn in the side of the Russians' national ambitions. Men of valor still exist.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Welfare Bums

I wasn't going to post for a while, but I just couldn't pass this up.

So the Palestinians have essentially been going crazy since the US and Europe stopped giving them welfare money. They don't have an economy, aren't very innovative, and there's not much money to be made in the carbomb-making business, unless it's Iran footing the bill.

So they've really had nothing to do but shoot and kill each other - constantly. And finally, they decided they've had enough and they'd really like that free money they used to get. And the result of this is probably one of the most pathetic ploys I've ever seen.

The PA leadership is hoping that the very fact of the Fatah-Hamas national unity agreement reached in Mecca will end a Western embargo against the Hamas-led PA. The Western nations ended aid to the PA after the Islamist Hamas terror organization swept into power in Authority-wide elections in January 2006.

Speaking to Reuters, Hamas spokesman Ghazi Hamad said, "They (the West) cannot ignore this agreement and impose their own conditions."

I know, I know. Stop laughing for a minute and actually consider their retarded logic. The Western nations stopped giving aid because a terrorist organization(Hamas) was in a disunified government.

Now a terrorist organization(Hamas) is in a - are you ready for this? - a unified government.

I know, don't fall off your seat. All that has changed in the space of, oh, I don't know, a YEAR, is that they've finally formed a unity government.

And the retarded part is that wasn't even what the West objected to. They wanted Hamas to either leave the government or renounce their terrorist principles. (I know, "terrorist" and "principles" in the same sentence is funny, right?)

Hamas did neither. They still hate Israel with the fury of a thousand suns, they're still packin' AK's, and still send mothers and children to Israel with bombs strapped to their bodies.

But it gets better:

Ahmed Yousef, an advisor to the PA's Hamas prime minister, warned the European Union, "I count on the Europeans to change their policies, and to say that what happened in Mecca shows ideological flexibility. The Europeans have their own interest, and they should care about the image and perception. They don't want their image in the region to be like the US."

Translation below:

Arab Terrorist : Give us welfare.

Europe and US : No. You're terrorists.

Arab Terrorist : But we're unified.

Europe and US : No. You're still terrorists.

Arab Terrorist : Europe, you better give us welfare money or we'll call you names in our country.

Note : This is so retarded and the Europeans so feckless it might actually work. But consider the logic of it; a Muslim government is threatening Western governments with giving it money, or else facing the consequences of demonization and hate-speech against it. WHICH ALREADY HAPPENS. These guys truly are nuts.

The Coming Storm

So the evil villain Vladimir Putin has been selling missile defense systems to Iran, weapons to Venezuela, terrorists in general, etc...and now Iran is asking for a favor.

At an international conference, Putin has this to say:

Speaking at a conference of the world's top security officials, including Iranian nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani, Putin said nations "are witnessing an almost uncontained hyper use of force in international relations."

"One state, the United States, has overstepped its national borders in every way," he told the 250 officials, including more than 40 defense and foreign ministers.

"This is very dangerous: Nobody feels secure anymore because nobody can hide behind international law," he said through a translator.

The entire message of this speech is to get the US to back off. You can tell they're feeling the heat. The US has just sent another destroyer to the Gulf, and Iran is probably frantically calling in every favor they can, in order not to get bombed back to the Stone Age.

So Putin accuses the US of "overstepping it's borders" and violating "international law". The only people the US has gone after in recent years have been terrorists and dictators. So these are clearly the people Putin is protecting, as well as being his greatest customers. But it gets better.

"This is nourishing an arms race with the desire of countries to get nuclear weapons," he added, without singling out any particular nation.

So in one brief sentence, he excuses Iran's rush for the nuclear bomb. It's not Iran's fault that they are continuously violating the NPT, you see, it's the US that makes Iran so afraid they need the Bomb.

So this rhetorical assault has a much more potent objective than sullying the United States' name internationally. With it, Putin was hoping to accomplish two points.

1. Deter the US from launching a military strike on Iran's nuclear facilities.

2. Ease international pressure against Iran's nuclear program.

It is essentially liberal strategy at it's finest. Put the enemy(US) on the defensive with a sweeping, intentionally confusing accusation. Then use the (mythical)consequences of that same accusation to defend your ally's(Iran) actions. It all ties together with a neat little bow.

So this is Putin being Putin, and I really wish we had nothing to do with any of these people. Not economic-wise, financial-wise, anything. Then we could take our money out of that dump of the United Nations, and bomb all terrorist-loving nations back to the Stone Age.


Friday, January 26, 2007


It's been a while since I've last blogged. Much has happened, much has been happening on this globe we call our world. Iran is heating up, confrontation is nearing, and sightings are on the rise. And I'm talking MAINSTREAM sightings, not fringe. Especially important distinction.

Another thing that has been increasing, for me personally, has been 11:11 sightings. A while ago, they would be a nuisance, nothing more, nothing less, but lately it's changed. I have been seeing 11:11 with greater frequency, to the point where it's almost every day. I believe it has to do with our inter-dimensional visitors, and the increasing frequency with which world affairs are escalating.

Israel is secretly drawing up plans to give up the West Bank to the other side. This only moves the peace process forward, and only brings the peace plan closer. First the West Bank, which interestingly enough comes first under "European" control, then a peace treaty. And we all know where that leads.

Not much news out of the Vatican, however. The enemy groups are on the rise, however. Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, are all ramping up. Considering this is their permanent mode, it would be foolish to read too much into it. But every provocation is a testing of the waters. Every move is a shift of power. Every nuanced attack brings their nemesis closer to crossing the line, to full-scale confrontation and conflict. Of course, for them, it matters not which way it goes. Long-term, absolute power is the goal. Incremental stages are completely fine with them. Distraction, corruption, division, and infighting only further that goal. Our enemy is determined, and most importantly single-minded.

While we are at war with ourselves, bickering over minor conflicts, the real enemies gleefully burn down our undefended walls. And so it continues, until we are left standing amidst the ruins of what was once our castles, slaves to our ignorance and pettiness. Only the wise survive beyond this stage we call life. Many are called, but few are chosen. State of mind is key. It is crucial. We must always be prepared, always be looking down the road, always looking forward with the correct vision of the future.

We must not get caught up in petty squables, or allow our mindset to fall into that of confusion or depression over petty beefs. Keep the bigger picture in mind. Redemption is near. True justice will be done. First comes the trials and tribulations, then come the cleansing. If not this year, next year. If not next year, five, ten years from now. The when is not important. How we will be ready, how our state of mind is, when that final day comes, and whether we are able to accept the true light with open arms is the key question. Never give up.


Monday, November 27, 2006

Russia's elimination of Litvinenko Legal

A new law was passed in Russia's legislative body called the Duma.

This law permits the use of secret services as "death squads" to eliminate "extremists" anywhere in the world.

Another law on "extremism" was amended so anyone who says or writes something "libelous" about Vladimir Putin's government is an "extremist".

That means, if YOU say anything "libelous" about Vladimir Putin's government, you are an "extremist" to Russia.

They have the legal authority to send a "death squad" to "eliminate" you as an extremist.

Considering most of the world's terrorism originated in Russia, this is rather ingenious on Putin's part. Create a problem, and within the solution create the legal authority to kill dissidents.

This guy is a madman.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The balance of power is shifting

J.R. Nyquist at his absolute finest, lamenting the state of the nation and encapsulating my thoughts more perfectly than I ever could:

The suicide of the West is happening before our eyes. From the assassination of Anna Politkovskaya to the poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko, from the fall of South Africa to the electoral victory of Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua, the same old Communists continue to kill their enemies as they advance from victory to victory. The KGB rules Russia openly, flooding China with weapons, encouraging Iran’s nuclear ambitions, arming Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan, subverting the Western alliance through economics, neutralizing Germany by way of German unification, undermining NATO as one Warsaw Pact country after another joins under false democratic colors. Do the Americans have eyes? Do they have sense?

From outward appearances it would seem that the old Soviet Union has returned. A thing crucified, dead and buried has been resurrected. Four weeks after Vladimir Putin’s re-election, a procession led by the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church arrived at the Church of Christ the Redeemer in Moscow. In keeping with ancient tradition the doors of the church were shut, symbolizing the sealed cave where Christ’s body was placed following crucifixion. “After midnight,” noted Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya, “the Orthodox faithful taking part in the procession await the opening of the church doors. The patriarch stands on the steps at their head and is the first to enter the empty temple where the Resurrection of Christ has already occurred.” In due course the Patriarch offered up a prayer, the doors of the Church of Christ the Redeemer were opened and out stepped President Vladimir Putin. If any Christians were present for this ceremony they offered no protest to this blatant sacrilege. The woman who reported this event for the benefit of Western readers has since been assassinated. The KGB defector who was investigating the circumstances of her death has been poisoned (i.e., Litvinenko). The West thinks it an amusing spy story, something out of fiction. But the situation is hardly amusing. As Russian dissident Yuri Yarim-Agaev recently explained to Jamie Glazov of, “That in foreign policy, the U.S. remains for them [Russia] enemy number one, and that they would support anyone who tries to undermine American power whether it be North Korea, Iran, you name it. That in domestic policy they consider their major enemies democracy, human rights, and the free market, and they will try to suppress them by all means, and the bring back under their control most parts of the former Soviet Union.”
Russia is a big player, despite what we’ve been told about “the fall of communism.” The Kremlin now acts boldly, in the open, so that every Russian understands. It is a case of terrorism. It is a case of instilling fear. Writers are being killed, and now intelligence defectors have been targeted. Decisive cards are being played, and the international press, the public and many politicians are clueless.

I strongly suggest reading the whole thing.

-Citizen K

Thursday, November 09, 2006

State of the Nation

It is November 9. The elections are over, and after Republican control of the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the Presidency, major changes have been applied to two of the three. The American people, speaking as best they could, with one flick of the pen or the push of a button, switched power from one political party to the other.

Democrats, in an incredible election, now control BOTH congressional houses and only the Presidency is beyond their control - for the moment. This is remarkable. With one election, the American people took the power from the Republicans and handed it over to the Democrats.

And I don't think it was because people particularly like the Dems. Bush had been politically frozen from doing what needed to be done in Iraq; nothing was happening, and American soldiers were dying. He HAD to be prepared to accept civilian casualties as the cost of completely eliminating the insurgency; and yet, the MEDIA's power had grown so much that they had literally frozen him. He wasn't going to withdraw; he wasn't going to crush the insurgents either for fear of incurring civilian casualties and seeing them that same night on CNN.

This is perhaps the most incredible element of this whole debacle. The media, as a political force, has grown so much that it now influences PRESIDENTS as to their actions. The media sets the agenda. The media demonizes and at the same time glorifies who they wish. The media has no police, no watchdog to discipline them. They are the 600-pound elephant set loose on the playground. They couldn't get Bush to withdraw, but they could focus so much attention on EVERY SINGLE CASUALTY of the war that Bush wouldn't have the confidence to OK the necessary operations in Iraq.

And so this is how it ends. The media froze Bush, the situation in Iraq grew into a stalemate, soldiers started dying, and the American people started realizing that Bush wasn't aggressively pursuing victory. And they decided. Better the soldiers live and withdraw, than die and stay. The intent was good, the resolve weak. And so they took his power away.

And yet the consequences will be far-reaching. As a result of this, yes, Bush will most likely be forced to abandon Iraq, but the Democrats will now also utilize their power. Impeachment hearings will most likely begin, and the Democrats will begin to implement their Socialist agenda as much as they can. Perhaps the most dangerous consequence of this election is the impact it will have on our national security. Other countries, especially renegade nations, now see a weak and divided superpower. They will become more provocative, more aggressive and begin to prod and test the United States. How we will respond is already written; look to the Carter years, the Clinton years. Bush is the last vanguard. But even he can't last forever. The people shouldn't have been so shortsighted.