Thursday, June 15, 2006

Tide is turning...

Yet another step in the right direction.
Iraq's government is in place, Zarqawi is dead, and now his own personal correspondence reveals how much his own movement is losing. That is, before we dropped a few bombs on him.
In general, the Iraq mission is proving to be a success. There is, however, one factor that will not go away until confronted.

Iran has been supplying the terrorists with the IED's improvised-explosive-devices that are killing our fellow Americans, as well as other arms.
There is no way you can eliminate the insurgency when they continue to be propped up by a neighboring country intent on fomenting strife there. It is like filling a leaky bucket. You can never fill it up; you first have to plug up the hole. Iraq is the bucket, democracy is the water, and Iran is the leak. Plugging up the leak in this case means dealing with their meddling in another country's sovereign affairs.
So, eventually I believe either Bush or Iraq's government itself will have to address this.
But it is exciting to see the formation of a democracy where there has never been one before.


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