Saturday, September 30, 2006

Reflect the Friendship, Baby!!!

Eduardo Castillo of the AP treats us to this gem:
MEXICO CITY - Mexico said it will try to persuade President Bush not to sign a bill that would extend a wall along the border in an effort to stop illegal immigrants.

Foreign Secretary Luis Ernesto Derbez strongly criticized the legislation to build a 700-mile border fence, which the Senate approved Friday and sent to Bush to sign.

Wow, Mexico "strongly criticized" an American domestic policy decision, huh?

That's annoying. Why are they doing that?

"We think it is a gesture that doesn't reflect the friendship between nations of Latin America and the Caribbean and the United States, Derbez said."

Oh, it doesn't reflect the friendship.

So it's not that it stops you from shipping your poverty problem to the US?

It's not the fact that it cramps your state-supported drug-running efforts?

It's not that a border fence might force you to update those handy "How to Sneak into the US" brochures?

Might set you back a few years in that whole Reconquista plan, huh?

Yeah, too bad about that. Good luck. I guess we just weren't the kind of "friend" you expected.


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