Thursday, June 15, 2006

tipping point...

Israel has had enough. The Palestinians, most notably Hamas, have so far been a thorn in their side, but Israel has finally had enough. Hamas has quite suddenly and inexplicably called for a ceasefire.
ThreatsWatch has analysis:

"This is a clear and sudden change in tone from Hamas. It is a tone that is largely a response to Israel directly speaking their language: The language of force and threat. The ‘new tone’ also includes an agreement with Fatah to pull its militias from the streets of Gaza, though Hamas has agreed to this in the past. In return, Abbas’ Fatah has agreed to blend them into the PA Security Forces structure. Perhaps this time Hamas will honor the agreement under the additional direct pressure from Israel and the international community."

Israel has finally had enough. Hamas knows Israel could decapitate their leadership in an instant if provoked enough, and it appears that tipping point was reached. And like the bully in the schoolyard who is finally confronted, Hamas suddenly backs off with the hands up, saying "We definitely want quiet everywhere. We are interested in a ceasefire everywhere."
This should happen more often. It shows how cowardly the terrorists really are, as if we didn't have enough evidence from the men, women, and children they send to die in their place.


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