Saturday, August 26, 2006

Delusional Reality

Kofi Annan has triumphantly proclaimed that Europe will provide the backbone of the peacekeeping force.

"Europe is providing the backbone of the force," Annan said. "We can now begin to put together a credible force."

The commitment of up to 6,900 European soldiers relieved concerns that the peacekeeping force might be stillborn because of reluctance by many countries to send troops into the Middle East cauldron without clear instructions or authorization to use their weapons.

Back when France was bleating for a ceasefire, it was thought that they would provide a sizable amount of soldiers to contribute to the "peacekeeping" efforts. But of course, they predictably backpedaled on their words, and the final tally for France : 400 soldiers.

Pathetic, huh?

I know, I know, it's France. They've never done anything, and probably never will. The land of wine, and cheese, and softbellied bureaucrats blabbering meaningless words to whomever will listen. But even this kind of cowardice was astonishing for it's simple indifference. They didn't even care how bad it looked.

This is the kind of stuff that makes me worried about the state of the world. But back to the story:

So according to the open mouth of the AP, who have been slobbering and drooling, hoping to dress this up somehow as a victory, this is it. The beginning. The "backbone", a word you will most likely hear overused in the days to come, in a triumphant tone, heralding the courage of the European nations in summoning their peacekeeping efforts in assembling this truly puny force.


So, let me ask this.

By my calculations, we still need 8,100 soldiers. What if the Ukraine, or Turkey, or any other non-European country contributed more soldiers than the "backbone" the European nations are so generously providing?

Would that mean we have 2 "backbones"?

Or just a "backbone" with a few larger bones?

Reason is, you'd think a "backbone" would at least be more than 50% of the "body" you're attempting to build. I mean, they couldn't even muster 7,500 soldiers and Kofi is still gloriously touting this as the greatest thing since sliced bread. Man, am I glad an ocean separates us.

Whatever. France sucks. We all know it. This ceasefire is a disaster. Anything after it is just the aftershow...

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Russia and China Plan to Attack United States

I have just discovered some quite fascinating information about the perceived fall of the Soviet Union and the supposed "fall" of Communism. There is a Russian defector, named Anatoliy Golitsyn, who warned of a long range strategic deception by the Soviets, with its only purpose the defeat of the United States.

Essentially, this is the message. The Cold War was never over; it only took a different form. The Soviets knew they could never beat us militarily, so they decided their only usable strategy was deception.

They decided to fool the West into thinking Communism was dead, and that they were embracing Western concepts like "capitalism", "democracy", and the like.
Christopher Story, editor of Soviet Analyst, had this to say about the deception:

"All contemporary collective political arrangements — the so-called European Union; the North American Free Trade Area; the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, an intergovernmental agreement requiring the pooling of military intelligence and other anti-state measures; and new regional blocs like the South African Development Community, which has set Southern Africa on the road to integrated security, military and foreign policies, and seeks to usurp national sovereignty in the region — all are devices designed to undermine the state in order to replace nations with regional blocs which are to be the components of a world government. The destruction of national sovereignty is the paramount objective, since as long as nation states continue to exist, world government cannot be established."

This is quite important. I always knew the Soviets and the Chinese harbored enmity towards the United States, but to see such clear evidence of a conspiracy to take down America is astounding, to say the least.

God bless.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Bush lied, People died

It's funny how people call Bush a liar and yet they have no evidence
for it.

They point to Iraq and say, "Look! No WMD's! Bush was lying!"

Well, was he?

Bush and many people in his Cabinet DID say Iraq had WMD's, and 500
such weapons have been FOUND in Iraq, albeit old and rather decrepit.
So let's assume those don't count. Let's assume Iraq doesn't have
WMD's. Does that make Bush a liar, or somebody who was "fooled" by the

This is an important distinction. I have not seen ONE shred of
evidence swinging the distinction into any one camp. Did he lie, or
was he deceived?

Is it alright for our leader to make a mistake?

Does that make Saddam any LESS of an evil man? Does that magically
resurrect the THOUSANDS of Kurds he GASSED to death?

Why does Saddam's own general say WMD's were moved to Syria? These are
all important questions to think about before making a knee-jerk
reaction and convicting somebody right away, pointing the accusatory
finger of blame, saying "You Liar!"

When you say Bush was lying, what you're saying is that you know his
heart. You're essentially saying you knew what he was thinking when he
said Iraq had WMD's, and that's the ONLY possible way you know he was
lying. Unless, of course, there's another concrete way that you
determined he lied. Unless there's evidence you have. If so, my ears
are open, my mind open, ready to listen and consider....

I'm listening...

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Terror Tracks?

Police in London have uncovered a nefarious plot to blow up planes. 20 planes, to be exact. The BBC has more:

Home Secretary John Reid confirmed that there had been a plot "to bring down a number of aircraft through mid-flight explosions causing a considerable loss of life".

Security at all airports in the UK has been tightened and delays are expected. MI5 has raised the UK threat level to critical - the highest possible.

So yet another terrorist plot foiled - and all this while there is still violence in the Middle East. Israel had decided to press all the way to the Latani River - before halting that operation.

Israel has put its massive new ground offensive into southern Lebanon on hold to give the U.N. Security Council more time to come to an agreement on a cease-fire, an Israeli Cabinet minister and senior officials said Thursday.

Asked by Israel Radio about the plans for such a delay, Cabinet minister Rafi Eitan said: "There are diplomatic considerations. There is still a chance that an international force will arrive in he area. We have no interest in being in south Lebanon. We have an interest in peace on our borders."

This is a bad idea for the Israelis. Olmert has shown himself time and time again in this situation to be weak and ineffective. Hezbollah has been pounding Israeli cities with Kaytusha rockets day in and day out, and the response has not halted that barrage in the slightest. The initial decision to conduct the ground operation and push Hezbollah to the Latani River was the best strategic move I'd seen all month, and to finally see it halted in it's tracks before it even gets off the ground is the most dispiriting thing to see. If this is how I feel, I can only imagine how Israelis actually living in that country and having to endure it everyday must be holding up.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The Countdown has begun...

Associated Press - Security Council Resolution Demands Iran Suspend Uranium Enrichment

On Monday, July 31st, the United Nations passed a resolution calling on Iran to halt all uranium enrichment. The AP frames this as a weakened resolution, which it essentially is, since China and Russia have been stalling the hell out of this "diplomacy". All they've been doing is buying time for Iran, and the question is why.

Everyone knew this would eventually happen. The minute Bush brought the allies in and consolidated the opposition to Iran's nuclear program, the international mindset had been solidified. Iran's defiance was an insult to the "international community", not just the U.S, as Iran would have liked. Iran's gameplan had been dividing the opposition, pacifying the Europeans with declarations of peaceful intentions, while having two erstwhile allies in China and Russia through economic ties.

I've always felt this will end in confrontation eventually. The U.S will not back down from it's position, and Iran won't back down either, and clearly they're opposite viewpoints. The U.S says Iran is enriching uranium for malevolent purposes and must stop. Iran says it is enriching uranium for peaceful purposes and has the right to continue. The resolution today is the clearest sign yet of escalation.

Iran started this war to stall for more time, although that was not the sole reason. Iran, along with Syria, is really one of the only sponsors of terrorism in the WORLD. Think about it. Essentially Iran is responsible for the MAJORITY of terror attacks. And they made the decision to start a war. I am convinced U.S preventative measures have been largely successful, and Iran's greatest blow was against Israel. They had no larger options, as they had been mostly thwarted by America's anti-terror measures, along with the U.S's international allies.

SO THINK ABOUT IT. The biggest attack Iran could plan was to co-ordinate Hezbollah and Hamas to cross Israel's borders and kidnap their soldiers. Now with Israel's massive ground, air and sea offensive, Israel stands a good chance of crushing Hezbollah's arsenals, logistics, and severely crippling it's ability for command and control. Think about how much more Iran's terror capabilities will be retarded if Israel is successful, and succeeds in liberating Lebanon from the terror-masters' iron grip.

All of this is related. Hezbollah, Hamas, Iran, the Security Council Resolution, Al Qaeda, Iraq - all of it.

Pray for Israel.