Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The Countdown has begun...

Associated Press - Security Council Resolution Demands Iran Suspend Uranium Enrichment

On Monday, July 31st, the United Nations passed a resolution calling on Iran to halt all uranium enrichment. The AP frames this as a weakened resolution, which it essentially is, since China and Russia have been stalling the hell out of this "diplomacy". All they've been doing is buying time for Iran, and the question is why.

Everyone knew this would eventually happen. The minute Bush brought the allies in and consolidated the opposition to Iran's nuclear program, the international mindset had been solidified. Iran's defiance was an insult to the "international community", not just the U.S, as Iran would have liked. Iran's gameplan had been dividing the opposition, pacifying the Europeans with declarations of peaceful intentions, while having two erstwhile allies in China and Russia through economic ties.

I've always felt this will end in confrontation eventually. The U.S will not back down from it's position, and Iran won't back down either, and clearly they're opposite viewpoints. The U.S says Iran is enriching uranium for malevolent purposes and must stop. Iran says it is enriching uranium for peaceful purposes and has the right to continue. The resolution today is the clearest sign yet of escalation.

Iran started this war to stall for more time, although that was not the sole reason. Iran, along with Syria, is really one of the only sponsors of terrorism in the WORLD. Think about it. Essentially Iran is responsible for the MAJORITY of terror attacks. And they made the decision to start a war. I am convinced U.S preventative measures have been largely successful, and Iran's greatest blow was against Israel. They had no larger options, as they had been mostly thwarted by America's anti-terror measures, along with the U.S's international allies.

SO THINK ABOUT IT. The biggest attack Iran could plan was to co-ordinate Hezbollah and Hamas to cross Israel's borders and kidnap their soldiers. Now with Israel's massive ground, air and sea offensive, Israel stands a good chance of crushing Hezbollah's arsenals, logistics, and severely crippling it's ability for command and control. Think about how much more Iran's terror capabilities will be retarded if Israel is successful, and succeeds in liberating Lebanon from the terror-masters' iron grip.

All of this is related. Hezbollah, Hamas, Iran, the Security Council Resolution, Al Qaeda, Iraq - all of it.

Pray for Israel.


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