Thursday, August 17, 2006

Russia and China Plan to Attack United States

I have just discovered some quite fascinating information about the perceived fall of the Soviet Union and the supposed "fall" of Communism. There is a Russian defector, named Anatoliy Golitsyn, who warned of a long range strategic deception by the Soviets, with its only purpose the defeat of the United States.

Essentially, this is the message. The Cold War was never over; it only took a different form. The Soviets knew they could never beat us militarily, so they decided their only usable strategy was deception.

They decided to fool the West into thinking Communism was dead, and that they were embracing Western concepts like "capitalism", "democracy", and the like.
Christopher Story, editor of Soviet Analyst, had this to say about the deception:

"All contemporary collective political arrangements — the so-called European Union; the North American Free Trade Area; the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, an intergovernmental agreement requiring the pooling of military intelligence and other anti-state measures; and new regional blocs like the South African Development Community, which has set Southern Africa on the road to integrated security, military and foreign policies, and seeks to usurp national sovereignty in the region — all are devices designed to undermine the state in order to replace nations with regional blocs which are to be the components of a world government. The destruction of national sovereignty is the paramount objective, since as long as nation states continue to exist, world government cannot be established."

This is quite important. I always knew the Soviets and the Chinese harbored enmity towards the United States, but to see such clear evidence of a conspiracy to take down America is astounding, to say the least.

God bless.


Blogger mah29001 said...

A fellow believer. Welcome.

Here's my blog if you wish to travel there:

I'm doing style profiles there. I don't just add Communists, but Fascists and Nazis as well since they are all related to the ideology of Socialism in the more hardline forms.

10:13 PM  

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