Saturday, September 30, 2006

Reflect the Friendship, Baby!!!

Eduardo Castillo of the AP treats us to this gem:
MEXICO CITY - Mexico said it will try to persuade President Bush not to sign a bill that would extend a wall along the border in an effort to stop illegal immigrants.

Foreign Secretary Luis Ernesto Derbez strongly criticized the legislation to build a 700-mile border fence, which the Senate approved Friday and sent to Bush to sign.

Wow, Mexico "strongly criticized" an American domestic policy decision, huh?

That's annoying. Why are they doing that?

"We think it is a gesture that doesn't reflect the friendship between nations of Latin America and the Caribbean and the United States, Derbez said."

Oh, it doesn't reflect the friendship.

So it's not that it stops you from shipping your poverty problem to the US?

It's not the fact that it cramps your state-supported drug-running efforts?

It's not that a border fence might force you to update those handy "How to Sneak into the US" brochures?

Might set you back a few years in that whole Reconquista plan, huh?

Yeah, too bad about that. Good luck. I guess we just weren't the kind of "friend" you expected.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Aliens Plan for World Domination

The Aliens will wait for the One World Government

The world will be under the control of One Government.

The Head of that Government will be a tool of the Aliens.

He will deliver the World into the hands of the Aliens.

The Aliens will then control the Government, and in turn control the People.

They are waiting until all the Nations are United under a One World Government.

As long as there are Individual Nations, the Aliens will wait.

Individual Nations could make War with the Aliens.

The Aliens want as Bloodless a Coup as possible.

This also explains how the Aliens will orchestrate several Natural Disasters that will weaken Large Governments, hastening the way to them joining the One World Government.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

No doubt about it...

The new video on FoxNews really cleared things up.

In that video, you can clearly see four orbs forming a triangle with a handle, very similar to the robotic arm on the Atlantis, ironically enough.

But it is the orb in the bottom right of the video that is so fascinating.

It is pulsing.

In the top left corner of the orb, it phases in and out. Like an intelligent craft.

Now go back and look at the footage from David Sereda's UFO documentary, "Evidence", where the NASA ultraviolet cameras captured IDENTICAL actions.

Secondly, I would add that all of the "space debris" are perfectly round with holes in the middle.

I would bet that if we had any more closeup video, we would notice notches cut out in the corner of each "space debris".

This is such a clear cut case of UFO's, it is truly laughable NASA is attempting to pass it off as anything other than that.

The real question is : why?

UFO's in flight are inherently invisible. They reach such stupendous speeds when they travel that the actual material of their craft is vibrating at such a high frequency as to make them invisible.

The fact that they have revealed themselves to the NASA cameras, first one yesterday, then four today begs the question : why?

Why are they revealing themselves?

And the only possible answer is : The time has come.

The time has come for the aliens to reveal their presence to the world.


Tuesday, September 19, 2006

We won't be missing you...

Nick Wadhams slobbers all over Kofi with gems such as these:

As he neared the end of his speech, Annan's voice rose with emotion, describing his "difficult and challenging but at times also thrillingly rewarding" job.

Perhaps Dickwad should have stayed at his old job writing romance novels.