Wednesday, September 20, 2006

No doubt about it...

The new video on FoxNews really cleared things up.

In that video, you can clearly see four orbs forming a triangle with a handle, very similar to the robotic arm on the Atlantis, ironically enough.

But it is the orb in the bottom right of the video that is so fascinating.

It is pulsing.

In the top left corner of the orb, it phases in and out. Like an intelligent craft.

Now go back and look at the footage from David Sereda's UFO documentary, "Evidence", where the NASA ultraviolet cameras captured IDENTICAL actions.

Secondly, I would add that all of the "space debris" are perfectly round with holes in the middle.

I would bet that if we had any more closeup video, we would notice notches cut out in the corner of each "space debris".

This is such a clear cut case of UFO's, it is truly laughable NASA is attempting to pass it off as anything other than that.

The real question is : why?

UFO's in flight are inherently invisible. They reach such stupendous speeds when they travel that the actual material of their craft is vibrating at such a high frequency as to make them invisible.

The fact that they have revealed themselves to the NASA cameras, first one yesterday, then four today begs the question : why?

Why are they revealing themselves?

And the only possible answer is : The time has come.

The time has come for the aliens to reveal their presence to the world.



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