Wednesday, June 21, 2006

White House Correspondents Dinner : Belated Stephen Colbert Analysis

Note : I have decided to conduct an analysis of the methods employed here by famed liberal Stephen Colbert in his virulent attack on President Bush under the guise of "comedy" for the purposes of further familiarizing myself and others with the dirty tactics liberals use, and better improve strategies of negating and defeating them.

Analysis of Stephen Colbert's performance at the White House Correspondents Dinner:
Section 1A:
Joke 1:

Stephen Colbert makes fun of a shooting accident Dick Cheney had where the vice president accidentally shot his friend. Make fun of an accident where somebody got shot in the face, that's real funny, Colbert.

Joke 2:

Stephen Colbert makes joke about how the NSA is listening in on the conversations the people at the dinner are having, i.e. "Speak into your napkin for a drink order".
This is not only not funny, it's inaccurate. The NSA case involved overseas calls between suspected terrorists and persons inside the United States.

Joke 3:

Stephen Colbert makes joke how feelings "from the gut" are factless. Not sure if he's saying Bush has ever used that phrase in any meaningful context before, if at all.

Joke 4: Says that Fox News is a "no fact zone". Uhh, ok. Good one. How can I think up zingers like those?

Joke 5: Says America exists, can't wait to see how the Washington Post spins that. Supposed to be sarcasm, Colbert is mocking those that say the Washington Post is biased. Problem is, he used a strawman argument, i.e. setting up a false contrast.

Joke 6: Colbert says democracy is our greatest export with heavy sarcastic tone. Not sure if lifting paragraphs from Bush's speeches, twisting them, and delivering them with obvious sarcasm is supposed to be funny, or if the sheer ludicrousness of it all is supposed to be.

Joke 7: Says "The government that governs best is the government that governsl least, and by those standards we have set up a fabolous government in Iraq". Not much here other than an attack on the Iraq war effort, saying the government is not governing that much. Obviously the plan in Iraq is to help the government get on their feet, apparently not everybody is on board with that plan and don't really care if Iraq succeeds or not. It seems by now that the format for tonight will be misrepresenting the President's views on domestic and foreign policy into obviously absurd positions, and then delivering them with a straight face. So basically, he's playing to the far-left crowd, and by the sound of the correspondents, they're eating it up. Who needs articles to prove media bias? Just turn up the sound to hear their guffaws as they listen to some cable goof slandering and mocking the President of the United States.

Joke 8: Colbert says he's a Christian, then says "I respect all religions, though, I believe there are infinite paths to accepting Jesus Christ". The implication here is that although Bush says he respects all religions, he is forcing his own religious views on other people, expecting them to become Christians too. Another distortion, there's never been any evidence of forced Christianity anywhere, especially by Bush.

Joke 9: Says Bush has 32% approval rating, approval ratings reflect public opinion in "reality", and "reality" has liberal bias. I guess he doesn't know approval ratings are only polled from about 1-10000 people. And there's 300,000,000 people in the United States. As well as it would be a sorry politician who changed their views whatever the wind blew. But it's not really about the ratings. Colbert simply wanted to insult the President, and the approval ratings were the tool. He says the ratings don't have a liberal bias, although most of the time it's liberal newspapers who are conducting these same polls, or liberal organizations.

Joke 10: I don't even know if I could safely qualify these as jokes anymore. I'll just start calling them bits, because this guy is just a complete fool. But here's 10:
Colbert compares Bush to Rocky, then describes Rocky getting "repeatedly punched in the face, hitting the mats, everybody's telling him to stay down, eventually he loses". Weak comparison, all that Colbert wanted here was to create the visual of all these violent things happenning to Bush. And people say liberals aren't insane, violent people. This gives you a glimpse into one man's imagination, and it's not pretty.

I will continue more on this speech later. Next up will be another 10 Bits, maybe more if I have the time. I think it is important to do this for the dissection of liberal tactics. As for those who say we've seen those tactics enough, I say you cannot know your enemy well enough.


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