Wednesday, July 12, 2006

catching up...

A lot has been happening recently. It's been difficult to keep up, although I definitely need to stay more up to date on this blog. What with Japan introducing a TOUGH resolution, China relishing the United States' plight regarding N.Korea, and the recent bombings in India, the plate has been quite full.

(Sidenote : Somebody mentioned this earlier, and it is interesting. Somebody in the planning department at Al Qaeda is into the occult or numerology; note the dates of attacks:

3/11 : Spain attack
7/11 : India attack
9/11 : U.S. attack

But we're getting off track. Back to topic.)

Robert Novak has agreed to appear in a tell-all on the Fox News Channel. He will appear on both Special Report w/Brit Hume and Hannity and Colmes to discuss his role in the Plame affair. Needless to say, the media is already trying to portray it in a different light.

A spokesman for Rove's legal team, Mark Corallo, said that Rove did not even know Plame's name at the time he spoke with Novak, that the columnist called Rove, not the other way around, and that Rove simply said he had heard the same information that Novak passed along to him regarding Plame.

Get this : Rove simply CONFIRMED information Novak already knew. In other words, he didn't tell Novak anything he didn't already know. And libs are saying Rove "leaked" Plame's name?
This blows their argument to shreds.

The sad thing is, the media will grind this story into the dust no matter what the facts are. Just don't let anybody get away with that "Rove leaked Plame's name". Call them on it. Right away.


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