Monday, July 24, 2006

Sovereign Right

Lebanon has pledged to fight alongside Hezbollah if Israel begins raids into Lebanon. This kind of thinking is patently ludicrous and logically unacceptable. Whoever made this statement is betraying the people of Lebanon. Alan Colmes on H&C formulated this tortured question:

Colmes : "Lebanon has promised to fight Israel if they invade in the South. Do they have a sovereign right to defend themselves?"

There is a fundamental flaw in Alan's reasoning here. Namely, the two statements have nothing to do with each other. The whole world would like nothing more than to see Lebanon exercise it's sovereign right to defend themselves, if only they would. But Lebanon must realize one simple fact; there is an occupying force already in Lebanon. There is an alien entity stationed in the country that harbors malevolent intentions towards Lebanon, and Lebanon must evict this organization. What is this group's name? Why, Hezbollah, of course, Iran's bunch of thugs running Lebanon through force, being funded by Iran to the tune of about 200,000,000 $ a year, most of it Oil Money from the West. Pretty nice, huh?

These are the facts. Lebanon does have a sovereign right to defend themselves. The problem is, Lebanon is corrupt and weak. Those that would like to see Lebanon remain under Iran's control far outnumber those who wish to see a free, independent state. Lebanon is still under Iran's thumb, and until Israel roots out and kills all those terrorist belonging to Hezbollah, it will remain as such. Do some research next time, Alan.


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