Monday, July 24, 2006

Unseen Benefit?

Israel has begun it's raids into Lebanon, striking Hezbollah and collecting weapons caches. As I was pondering this, a few words coming from the drone of the TV in the background suddenly came into sharp focus.

Bekaa Valley.

Where Saddam's legendary WMD's were buried.

Israel would be conducting raids there.

And looking for weapons.

The coincidence here is ridiculous. But furthermore, check out this link.
It contains this juicy nugget of information:

The Syrians received word from Saddam Hussein in late 2002 that the Iraqi WMD would be arriving and Syrian army engineering units began digging huge trenches in the Bekaa Valley.

Now, granted, it is possible the WMD's have been moved already. And it is possible that they are hidden so well a cursory inspection by IDF soldiers might overlook them. But you have to admit this; there is the tiniest, teensiest possibility the Israelis will find the Weapons of Mass Destruction we've been looking for all along.

Don't forget where you heard it first.


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