Wednesday, July 12, 2006

eaten from within...

A member of Knesset, Israel's political party, has admitted he advised Palestinian terrorists to capture IDF soldiers:

According to a report in Maariv newspaper on Sunday, Taha told surfers on Thursday that he repeatedly advised the PA Arabs to stop shooting and targeting civilians, and to concentrate on IDF targets. An English translation of Maariv's Hebrew translation of Taha's Arabic words:
"We told them more than once that the Palestinians, who are subjected to murder and ongoing crimes on the part of the Israeli army, have two options: One is to explode and kill civilians - and these are much easier operations. The second option is the military option, in the framework of which a military unit from the resistance [i.e., terrorist infrastructures - ed.] is established in order to break into a military camp, clash with the soldiers and battle them and take them and the conquest into captivity."

Pretty unbelievable, right? It gets better:

Taha also had words of advice for the PA on the publicity front, saying that the kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit should not be called "kidnapped" but rather "imprisoned" or "captive." Taha said, "Kidnapping is an act carried out by gangs, terrorists, and the like. But 'captive' means that [it is carried out by] an organized, legitimate group that makes decisions. Israel is trying to present our resistance as something less - as terrorism, murder, and kidnapping - in order that the diplomatic circle will be closed to it."

So a member of Knesset is publicly advocating the kidnap and murder of his own country's soldiers. But not only that, he is also giving P.R advice on how to frame the public dialogue.

If you read the comments on the article, you will find most people are outraged this man holds any office at all. Most of them echo MK Zevulun Orlev's opinion that this man is "traitorous" and should be stripped of his position, if not imprisoned and convicted of aiding and abetting the enemy.

What is Israel thinking?


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