Saturday, July 22, 2006

Operation Final Stages

So Israel is beginning the final stages of their military operation today. They have begun the "land incursion". Liberal media fanatics aren't doing their job if they can't reference this stage of the operation with some kind of malevolent overtone, using words like "foothold, incursion, occupation," etc...

It's actually rather amusing to see how clueless the major media outlets are without an agenda. They truly have no clue how to present pure, unvarnished news. With no liberal spin, they're like lost sheep, wandering around, bleating helplessly away for the New York Times to give them their perspective.

But as Charles Krauthammer wrote several days ago in his latest column, a land campaign was crucial to ridding the Southern Lebanon area of the Hezbollah terrorists. The air strikes have dampened the rocket attacks somewhat, but much of the Hezbollah strongholds consist of underground bunkers, weapon caches, stashes...etc. These can only be eliminated by a consistent, man-to-man fighting method of carefully decimating the enemy through hand-to-hand combat. Israel will clearly excel in this area. They are the superior force, militarily, and Hezbollah is simply a disorganized collection of rabble with no real military skills aside from the occasional snatching of an IDF soldier or the occasional killing of an Israeli civilian, usually via any one of the Kaytusha's they fire at Israel, indiscriminately and with no real military goal in mind.

So, overall, it is good that Israel is doing this. We have to kill all the terrorists eventually, anyways, and this military operation is just one of the many steps we will have to take to accomplish this goal.


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